iNODE™ v1.9.5 Released

18 March, 2021

iNODE™ version 1.9.5 has just been publicly released after extensive testing. This release includes many new and exciting features and enhancements, along with a variety of bug fixes.

The most noticeable new features and enhancements are the following:

  • New and Redesigned Portals
  • Login pages have been redesigned for iNODE™ Management UI, User Portal, Collaboration Suite and GroupWARE. From now on a newly designed central iNODE™ UI Portal is available as a central hub, allowing users and admins to easily find iNODE™ Portals (iNODE™ Management UI, User Portal, GroupWARE, Collaboration Suite). This service is available to default http(s) ports and allows users or admins to choose proper portal.

  • Mailbox Migration Tool
  • Mailbox Migration Tool is an IMAP transfer tool for transferring mailboxes between IMAP platforms. The purpose of this tool is to migrate existing IMAP mailboxes or to backup IMAP mailboxes from one system to another.

  • New Mobile friendly Webmail
  • A new redesigned skin is now used in the webmail. The skin is responsive, automatically adjusting to mobile screen sizes, providing the best functionality and user experience on every device. The old skin is still available in the user preferences. Note that the new skin is now the default skin and will automatically be used when the webmail is accessed from a mobile device.

  • Lets Encrypt Certificates integration
  • iNODE™ now supports the use of Let's Encrypt services. Let's Encrypt is a certificate authority run by Internet Security Research Group that provides X.509 certificates for TLS encryption at no charge. Most services give warnings and wait for client confirmation when self-signed certificates are used, because they are not considered trusted. Let's Encrypt apart from being a trusted authority is also automatically renewing the certificates, so there is no need for user intervention and renewal administrative overhead.

  • Enhanced content filtering reporting
  • A new scheduled reporting feature has been added and the first available report comes with the E-Mail content filtering reporting feature. It is now possible to schedule a periodical report to be sent to a specific email. The report may contain statistics, full logs of all emails processed by the E-Mail content filtering service, or just the emails that have been blocked and lists of the top senders and recipients during the time specified for the report.

  • Enhanced Email Tracing
  • Detailed log of all messages passing through the E-Mail Content Filtering service is now recorded. Each log entry represents a single email and contains the details of every aspect of the message: sender, date, subject and the list of recipients, along with the message content type as recognized by the E-Mail content filtering service and the antispam score. The log gives a clear view of all emails passing through the system along with a view of all emails that are blocked.

  • Multiparty Collaboration Engine
  • Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) is a protocol that assists in traversal of network address translators (NAT) or firewalls for multimedia applications. TURN server's purpose is mainly to be used by the Collaboration Suite's Talk application. This service is available to users with File Server license and allows them to be connected to a Collaboration Suite's Talk Meeting from everywhere. A Talk Meeting is a rich multimedia and multi-participant sharing hub for online meetings by providing services like video conference, chat and Screen Sharing.

  • Security enhancements
  • Several new features have been added to enhance security on the system by updating software with security patches and hardening safety of Web UI.